Saturday, 21 July 2012

Don’t chase a crooked shadow!

“It’s a strange thing, politics and sex. People have often said to me that power is a kind of aphrodisiac, and so women - politics still being male-dominated - would come on to politicians in a way they would never dream of with anyone else.”  Wah? Kya bath hain, Mr Tony Blair?

We in India, particularly in Hyderabad, have been wondering why the names of our politicians are being dragged into reports of sex scams, extramarital affairs, rapes, trafficking and flesh trade. Now since you have given a frank and well-thought of explanation for the kind of sordid businesses that go on in the dark recesses of the corridors of power, through best selling memoir The Journey, we are a relieved lot. Our leaders are not to be blamed. Blame goes to the power.

The affair between Al Gore and Laurie David has been in news these days. Yesteryears, the raunchy games that made the White House active at the dead of the night has made Monica Lewinsky infamous and cost Bill Clinton his job.

When we read about Jawaharlal Nehru-Edwina Mountbatten love story, we were a baffled lot. We read about Carla Bruni- Sarkozy’s secret life and lovers, but thought it was commonplace in Europe.

Closer home in Hyderabad, when a young Congress leader and the CEO of a private television channel allegedly crossed swords over a leading lady of Tollywood, we thought both of them were at faults. But no, not anymore. After all, people in power and high position need to ‘cross the line and have affairs with women: for the thrill of an explosion of irresponsibility!’ 
Mr Blair, you rightly educated us on the "free-bird" impulse to have affairs "to spring you from that prison of self-control," And all our leaders, right and mighty need that ‘moment of encounter, so exciting, so naughty, so lacking in self-control’!
So, if the ‘future Prime Minister of India’ dates an upcoming documentary filmmaker from Hyderabad (who also happens to be from a powerful political family) it is the woman who should be blamed, and the power bestowed upon these high-profile leaders.
Who thought two young girls would be so attracted to an octogenarian Governor of a State and sleep with him side by side because of the political power he had? That too came as a shocking thing for us when the said girls were at the age of the Governor’s granddaughters!
So the old Governor should not be blamed anymore. It is the television channel that telecast images of the amours of the head of the state who should be on the dock. Thanks Mr Blair!
When we have noticed that some senior ministers and other higher-rung leaders in the State are vanishing for hours together without being noticed by the security personnel or the intelligence wing, leaving the cops high and dry, we jumped into wrong conclusions!
Now we understand. They need to be ‘transported out of the world of intrigue and issues and endless machinations and the serious piled on the serious, and just put on a remote desert island of pleasure, out of it all, released, carefree.”
Wah! Arreh Wah!

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