Yes, it is high time to fight this War on Woman. I request all of you to join Care2 in its efforts to fight back the menace that is all over the globe.
It is everywhere, in offices, public places, roads, buses, bazaars and even at homes. They are in politics, world of fashion, entertainment, film and television industry and sports. We have heard innumerable stories of atrocities against women from every nook and cranny of the world.
The London Olympics have demonstrated how much women have achieved in the world of sports and how far our culture has to come before accepting these accomplishments outright.
In an article on care2 website, Meghan Lewis highlights the accomplishments of five women while exposing the poverty some female Olympians live in because endorsement dollars only go to certain kinds of female athletes. Yellow papers have been writing nasty things about women.
There’s a massive sexual assault scandal unfolding in the United States Air Force and the potential of this 20 year prison sentence is just the tip of the iceberg.
Mitt Romney’s remarks on access to contraception are still a topic of debate. Mississippi is already facing a teen pregnancy crisis, while the anti-choice community starts training their activists early.
Breastfeeding moms and their supporters descended on the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington DC for the Great Nurse-In. The goal of the Great Nurse-In is to normalize breastfeeding, remove the stigma and misunderstandings surrounding nursing.
Issues are aplenty, the time is ripened to unite and fight.
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