Thursday, 19 September 2013

Racist pigs, Miss America has Indian blood!

While it was a moment of pride for people in the country in general and Andhra Pradesh in particular, for 24-year-old Nina Davuluri, who was crowned as the first ever Miss America of Indian origin, she had some tough time facing the racist comments in social media.

When there was a huge outcry against racist comments across the world, Nina was calm and composed. She said she just ‘had to rise above such things. Nina, daughter of a gynecologist who emigrated from India, from Vijayawada to be precise, some 30 years ago, showed her true inner beauty, rather than just skin and curves and sizes.

The racists even termed her an Arab and a terrorist who had ties with Al Qaeda! One hater tweeted: "It's called Miss America. Get outta here New York you look like a terrorist.” There were so many such comments, but Nina said: "I have to rise above that...I always viewed myself as first and foremost American."

And that is true. She was born and brought up in the US. She lived her whole life in America. She is very much an American but with Indian blood. And for those do not know, thousands of years ago, much before Christopher Columbus landed in the land, America was inhabited by Indians. Indians were the aboriginal tribe of the present USA.

Those white racists do not seem to know about this bit of a fact. Though the general idea is that racism is largely against people of African origin, the fact is Indian Americans are the largest victims of racism in the States.

From 1980s, this hate groups have been growing in number, apparently unable to digest the “outsource-offshore” white-collar labour and Indian Americans’ economic growth. It may be recalled that a man of Punjab origin was murdered, a pizza delivery boy of Indian origin was manhandled and mauled and another American Indian was pushed out of a running train over the years.

Haters, remember the US is the land of Indians, and not anybody else’!

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