Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Sufism under attack in Islamic world

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.” 
― Rumi 

The gleeful verses of the 13th century mystic, Jalaluddin Rumi, is still much loved and enjoyed across the world. Rumi’s school of religious studies was way different from the regular ones. He taught that religion is less a matter of external observance than an intimate personal relationship with God.
But unfortunately, across the Muslim countries Sufism is being targeted of late. Yes, Islamic zealots are smashing up their own religious heritage. What a pity?  
Considering the fact that even partisans of two prominent Islam sects, Shia and Sunni, bombed each other’s mosques in countries like Iraq, Syria and Pakistan, no wonder both of them derive a wild, hysteric bliss bombing Sufi places of worship.
The shrine of al-Shaab al-Dahmani, a revered Sufi Saint, was bulldozed by militants even as security forces haplessly watched the barbaric act in Tripoli, all in broad daylight.
Sufi shrines have been razed and set on fire in Egypt since the fall of Mubarak.  Even Sufi chanting ritual called zhikr has been banned in many areas in Egypt.
Islamic fanatics were on a rampage, demolishing museums, libraries and universities in Timbuktu last summer. Sufi shrines were targeted and even thousands of Sufi followers were jailed for their unconventional views on religious practices.
Only in last month, several Sufi shrines were destructed in Libyan cities. Sakhi Sarkar shrine in Pakistan was brutally attacked, during the annual festival of the Sufi saint where 41 devotees were killed in cold blood.
It is becoming increasingly intolerable for Islamic fanatics to see Sufis’ perception of gentle form of Islam. Sufi practices initiated and practiced by Rumi himself, use music, dance and spiritual recitation as tools to awaken the God who according to Rumi say is asleep in the human heart.
Where is the world heading to? I’m utterly shaken by what is going on around the word.

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